This is Winston. As you can tell, his favorite worship song is 'Do as You Will'... :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Soon and Very Soon
Hey y'all! (I think that I'm entitled to say y'all now that I've lives in the south for almost a month) Anywho, I've been in Virginia Beach for almost a month now, and I'm kind of sad that time is going by so quickly. I've also enjoyed seeing how God can use me if I make my self available and step out in faith -- pretty darn cool. This week is called Killing the Giants Week and there are many a giant to kill. We were toset a goal of how many people we want to initiate spiritual conversations with, how many times we will present the gospel message, and a personal Giant. I thought that my goals were kind of lofty, but God is showing me that I can't even dream as big as He can do. I'm amazed at what a litte faith can do.

Aside from God blowing up my mind, I'm having a stellar time with all of the awesome people that I'm meeting here. I also have a feeling that I'll be doing a lot more as soon as the boot comes off and the longboard comes... more pictures will happen too. 

My roommates and community here are awesome. You'll have to meet them sometime! This Cam, he's aweso
This one is Curtis. He's also pretty dope fo' sho'. More pictures of roommates will come shortly.
This one is April, she's not my roommate... but she's awesome as well! Oh, she's holding Igor, out pet lizard.

Josh. 'Nuff said.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Workin' Fool
Hey y'all!
I'm a workin' fool these days! Project went from super busy with activities to super super busy with work and activities, but I sure am thankful for my Wednesdays off! Tonight is Date Night with Jesus and Prayer and Praise! I'm pretty stoked to have this quite time and stuff to just chill, blog, write letters, and praise Jesus. It's awesome. Project seems to be treating me well so far, but I'm feeling like Bilbo Baggins at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring -- butter scaraped over too much bread. It's all good! I'll find my rest once I get used to the schedule. I alxo need to take more pictures, but I have a few... like the view inside the Bas A** Coffee,
where I, along with other Project goers, have made my hangout when in need of the internets and a cup of jo.

Family Barbeque!!
This is Marissa. She likes chicken.
So, I'm having a stellar time on Project so far! Check back later for more pictures, insight, and event detailing! I'm late for a descipleship meeting! Gotta gogogo!!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
VA Beach Not-So-Bummin'!
So, we arrived in Virgnina Beach about five days ago,and I haven't blogged before now! I'm sorry, my avid followers! Haha. When I arrived I was super nervous about meeting all these new people, getting roommates, and getting a job on crutches not to mention the reckless driving ticket that I got on the way down here... that was just me being dumb and driving way too fast becasue I was tired. Oh well, God will do what He wants with this situation!
Just to let you all know, I was super stressed on the first couple of days, and I really thought that I wanted to go home. I wasn't trusting God to take care of everything, and I was very anxious about getting a job, the ticket, and trying to survive project on crutches. I wasn't being faithful to put it short and I guess bitter.
God TOTALLY provided for me! On the first day of job hunting in the second place that I visited I landed a job. The store is Sunsations that it's a gift-like shop along Atlantic Avenue, and the manager's name is Angie. She's super nice, and my roommate Nate and I could tell that God was working in her heart for her to give me that job as a cashier. Praise the Lord!!! I start work tomorrow morning at 8, and I'm still a little nervous about learing the register. None of that matters when the Lord of the universe is on my side.
Until I post again!
Just to let you all know, I was super stressed on the first couple of days, and I really thought that I wanted to go home. I wasn't trusting God to take care of everything, and I was very anxious about getting a job, the ticket, and trying to survive project on crutches. I wasn't being faithful to put it short and I guess bitter.
God TOTALLY provided for me! On the first day of job hunting in the second place that I visited I landed a job. The store is Sunsations that it's a gift-like shop along Atlantic Avenue, and the manager's name is Angie. She's super nice, and my roommate Nate and I could tell that God was working in her heart for her to give me that job as a cashier. Praise the Lord!!! I start work tomorrow morning at 8, and I'm still a little nervous about learing the register. None of that matters when the Lord of the universe is on my side.
Until I post again!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Broken, Tired, and Ready
I'm leaving for Virginia Beach in roughly three days. My foot and ankle are broken, my support hasn't come in completely, and I'm really uncertain as to how this is all going to work out, but I must remain faithful and remember that He works all things for our good.
God has really been working on me ever since I got accepted to this SummerProject. I haven't even arrived and I've gone through more trials now that I ever have in my life, but I know that my God has it all under control. Even though some things that are going on right now could be a little discouraging, I see them as a blessing. For some reason He is allowing me to go through a lot, and that must mean that I'm doing something right if it keeps happening. All-in-all I'm ready for the real summer to start.
Bring it on.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Relying on the Big Guy
So, I'm going to Virginia Beach this summer with Campus Crusade for Christ. This summer is going to be absolutely awesome -- in the best sense of the word. Our mission for the ten weeks that we're down there is to reach as many people for Christ as possible! How amazing is that?! I'm going to have a full-time job, along with the rest of the people down there, to make some money, but most importantly to share the gospel with them over that ten weeks! I'm so geeked for this opportunity to share the Gospel. The other part of going down there is to grow in my faith. We're going to be spending oodles and oodles of time in the Word and growing together in an amazing community of believers. We will have all sorts of Bible studies and decipleship opportunities! It's intense... kind of like camping.
While I'm there I'll be blogging all of my experiences for those of you who would like to see what's going on. In addition to that I'll be posting a video blog. The link to that blog will be posted as soon as I make it. Haha.
Even before I even get in my car to get down there it's been an adventure! I've been raising support and enduring Satan's attacks. I think that this point of my life has required more faith and reliance on God than any other. The amazing part is that God really DOES provide EVERYTHING that we need if we just remain faithful. It's, yet again, amazing to watch Him work like crazy in my life, and thinking about how much He's working in the lives of the other people going on Project! God is my... OUR great provider.
Please pray for me and my fellow Project goers so that we may continually rely on God for all of our needs.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Mointain Wave
I'm heading to Colorado tomorrow to spend a week in Breckenridge skiing with my family. I'm pretty excited for the event, but I can't help but wish that I were going to Panama City Beach on Big Break instead. I'm sure that I will have a grand time with my family, but there's still the urge to do God's work.
Keep praying for those guys at Big Break!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Beach Bummin'
It's official. I'm going to Virginia Beach this summer on a Campus Crusade for Christ Summerproject for 12 weeks. I'm very excited for what God is doing in my life and what He's planning to happen this summer. On the VA Beach Summerproject I will be in a tight-knit community of college students praising God and spreading his Word.
The next step is raising support. It's slightly intimidating to go around asking people for money so that I can spend 12 weeks in VA Beach, but then again I'm doing God's work and He provides. It's very exciting to see how He will provide for me as far as money goes, and I'm excited to bring people an opportunity to give and see the results of that at the end of the summer. Ahh, that sounds a little selfish.
I'm very excited for this summer to see what God will be doing in my life and the lives of those around me. If you wouldn't mind keeping me, my efforts, and my ministry in your prayers I would be very appreciative. I'll keep y'all updated.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Divinely Driven
It has been quite a long time since my last post, and I have changed very much in the time elapsed. I have realized that even though I crave adventure day and night that there is no greater adventure that full submittal to the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirt of God is the inspiration that leads us, as followers, to things that are not possible apart from Him. Following Him is far more difficult and rewarding that any adventure that I could crave or even dream. I sit around and complain that my life is not as exciting as I would like, but not until recently did I realize that my 'adventure' is nothing on my own. My sense of adventure -- my desire -- is so unbelievably selfish. My ultimate goal should be, and is, to follow the Spirit where it leads me, and I know that when I achieve it there could be nothing more satisfying or adventurous.
On a lighter note: I may be spending my entire summer in Virginia Beach spreading God's word and growing in my faith in community with a Campus Crusade for Christ Summer Project.
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