Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Divinely Driven

It has been quite a long time since my last post, and I have changed very much in the time elapsed. I have realized that even though I crave adventure day and night that there is no greater adventure that full submittal to the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirt of God is the inspiration that leads us, as followers, to things that are not possible apart from Him. Following Him is far more difficult and rewarding that any adventure that I could crave or even dream. I sit around and complain that my life is not as exciting as I would like, but not until recently did I realize that my 'adventure' is nothing on my own. My sense of adventure -- my desire -- is so unbelievably selfish. My ultimate goal should be, and is, to follow the Spirit where it leads me, and I know that when I achieve it there could be nothing more satisfying or adventurous.

On a lighter note: I may be spending my entire summer in Virginia Beach spreading God's word and growing in my faith in community with a Campus Crusade for Christ Summer Project.

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