Saturday, May 1, 2010

Relying on the Big Guy

So, I'm going to Virginia Beach this summer with Campus Crusade for Christ. This summer is going to be absolutely awesome -- in the best sense of the word. Our mission for the ten weeks that we're down there is to reach as many people for Christ as possible! How amazing is that?! I'm going to have a full-time job, along with the rest of the people down there, to make some money, but most importantly to share the gospel with them over that ten weeks! I'm so geeked for this opportunity to share the Gospel. The other part of going down there is to grow in my faith. We're going to be spending oodles and oodles of time in the Word and growing together in an amazing community of believers. We will have all sorts of Bible studies and decipleship opportunities! It's intense... kind of like camping.

While I'm there I'll be blogging all of my experiences for those of you who would like to see what's going on. In addition to that I'll be posting a video blog. The link to that blog will be posted as soon as I make it. Haha.

Even before I even get in my car to get down there it's been an adventure! I've been raising support and enduring Satan's attacks. I think that this point of my life has required more faith and reliance on God than any other. The amazing part is that God really DOES provide EVERYTHING that we need if we just remain faithful. It's, yet again, amazing to watch Him work like crazy in my life, and thinking about how much He's working in the lives of the other people going on Project! God is my... OUR great provider.

Please pray for me and my fellow Project goers so that we may continually rely on God for all of our needs.

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